What is life like during lockdown in
Phi Phi Island?
I have been waiting till the end of April to write this post to be able to digest and gather information and see what will happen during this time in Koh Phi Phi.
Nobody knew what to expect at the begging of the pandemic and it’s been nerve-wracking to see the virus spreading around the world, including Thailand.
Now, after a month in the “lockdown”, I can honestly describe the situation on the island and post some current photos from Phi Phi Island.
Is Phi Phi quarantine hell or paradise heaven?
I first visited Koh Phi Phi in 2006 and been permanently living here for 8 years since 2012. Phi Phi island is one of the top tourist destinations in Thailand and the whole of South-East Asia. The islands are known for its bustling and energetic atmosphere, stunning landscapes, and amazing marine life.
During high season, thousands of tourists and day-trippers arrive at its shores and it is safe to say that 90% of the population of Koh Phi Phi works in tourism or is somehow dependent on the daily visitors.
You can imagine how extremely the coronavirus pandemic affected life on the island and put almost all businesses in a complete standstill.
In early March it was apparent that this year’s season will be coming to its end earlier, although nobody knew then exactly how much it will affect Thailand and tourism in the following months.

MARCH 2020
By the end of March majority of tourists left Koh Phi Phi. Whoever decided to stay knew at that time the island will be going any day into quarantine, and nobody will be able to leave Koh Phi Phi till at last the end of April.
We had our last customers in Visa Travel agency on 25th March and from the following day 26th March, the government order was to close all national parks in Thailand.
Some passenger boats were still running in and out of Phi Phi Island for the next few days till the 5th of April. Since then, we have been in quarantine and nobody has been allowed to leave or enter Koh Phi Phi.
The only way to leave is with a special permit from the local government, based on having confirmed repatriation or regular flight back to your country.
On 26th March the Thai government announced the emergency decree coming to effect, which lead to lockdowns, limitations of movement, curfews, and closures all over Thailand. These measures were all put in place to limit the spread of the infection and keep the situation under control.

From the very beginning, I felt like the situation and the flow of information was extremely well handled in Koh Phi Phi. There was no feeling of panic, hoarding, or fear. Of course, everyone has been extremely anxious about the economic situation and stressed about the future.
Most of the local people and permanent residents, including me and my husband, are currently out of work and have no idea when or if we will be able to have any income.
APRIL 2020
The vast majority of the restaurants, shops, travel agencies, and all hotels and bars have been closed for more then over a month now.
Some smaller restaurants and the local market stayed open, so we can buy groceries and also order take away meals from restaurants.
The local market and 7/11 are fully stocked, and we can buy almost anything we need.
There are also many places selling surgical and facial masks from 15-40THB, hand sanitizer gel, and gloves.

As a part of the local government scheme for the virus spread prevention, the main part of town, all public areas, streets, and also the village in the north part of the island were all sprayed and disinfected by the professional clean up company.

I feel extremely grateful and lucky that everyone has been allowed to stay in Koh Phi Phi during the lockdown.
Everyone is allowed to go outside, and we are not forced to stay all day indoors (unless you were under self-quarantine due to recent travelling, etc.).
I can do my outdoor exercises, go for a walk with my dog, go swimming, to the beach or a hike.
Many of us, including me and my husband, live in a small room, which has only a fan and nothing much else in it. Koh Phi Phi is a very small village, with poor accommodation options and expensive rent. Many people like us rent a monthly cheaper room as we work long hours and live an outdoor lifestyle.
Sometimes there are 2-3 people or a whole family living in one fan room.
During the day these rooms get extremely hot, almost unlivable, so I can not even imagine being forced to stay inside in our room 24/7. For us and the vast majority of local people in Koh Phi Phi that would be stressful and unimaginable living conditions. Big thank you to the local government for understanding this situation and letting us keep our sanity.
Some landlords in Phi Phi have offered discounted rent for the next few months to businesses and individuals. Our landlord gave us a 30% rent discount since last month, which is extremely helpful at this time.

Everyone on the island must follow rules which comply with the national emergency state and local government.
- Everyone must wear face or surgical masks all the time.
- Everyone must follow the social distancing rules 1,5 m.
- No social gatherings in a group of more than 5 people are allowed.
- Curfew is in place from 10 pm till 4 am.
- All shops and restaurants must close by 8 pm.

During the first week of April medical staff from Phi Phi Hospital checked physically all tourists, local foreigners, Burmese migrant workers, and also all local Thai people.
We were all called to have our temperature checked and generally checked over.
The staff also gave us instructions on how to behave, what rules to follow and people who needed were given a surgical mask to wear (by this time most people have been already wearing one).
The general atmosphere on the island has been from my point of view extremely positive…as much as anyone can be positive with an unforeseen future and job loss.
Local Thai people were being given food parcels from the government and also from charities and personal donations.
The parcels include essential food staples such as rice, noodles, canned fish, sugar, cooking oil, and water.
Many business and restaurant owners organized free meals during April and some local restaurants sell rice and noodle takeaway dishes for cheap prices, without making hardly any profit (25-30THB a meal).

There are around 250 tourists and foreigners staying on the island at the moment and I believe that every one of them feels a sense of gratitude to the local people in Koh Phi Phi. As long as everyone respects and follow the rules there has been no animosity from locals towards foreigners.
I have been in contact with some of my friends from other parts of Thailand and also from other countries in Asia, and they don’t share the same positive experience as we have here in Phi Phi Island. I’ve always believed that Koh Phi Phi is a special place with special and kind people and I’ve been proven right.
The local Thai government even provided two free meals this week for all tourists here in Phi Phi. Each person had a free meal and water they could pick up twice a day. That alone is an extremely generous gesture and proves the kindness of Thai people.
Tourists also don’t need to worry about overstaying their visas as the Thai government extended the visa amnesty for all types of visas till the end of July 2020.

We are all trying to find things to do to keep our minds occupied.
Some of us trying to pitch in by picking up rubbish and cleaning up beaches and now it is the perfect time to stop and ask ourselves what can we do to take better care of nature and the local environment.
A group of volunteer divers and locals spent the last 9 days cleaning up area underwater under the main Tonsai Port. During the “Clean me Phi Phi ” project the divers recovered over 13 tons of rubbish, including old tires, scrap metal, glass, and plastic bottles.

In every bad situation, there are some positive aspects. It has been obvious for years that the local environment needs a break from tourism and now it can finally heal and recover.
Since the beginning of March when the boats stopped to arrive in large numbers the local marine life has started to boom. The National Marine Park has been posting on social media videos of huge groups or black-tip reef sharks and large pods of dolphins all around Koh Ph Phi. These all are signs of positivity and hope for the future.
With hardly any boats running and disturbing the marine-life the beaches and bays are full of fish and the water is crystal clear. I try to take as many photos as possible at this time as Phi Phi is now the real paradise.

MAY 2020
The state of emergency in Thailand has been extended until the end of May. This has been expected. Even so, the situation seems to be under control, the Thai government wants it to stay that way. This week low-risk businesses should start slowly opening again in some parts of Thailand and more services, shops, and restaurants should follow this and next month.
Phi Phi island will remain closed at least for new few weeks or till the next month.
Since the Thai economy is hugely dependent on tourism and millions of people are out of work, I’m sure there will be increasing pressure from local areas, especially from tourist hotspots, to open up islands and get back to business.
As of today (03/05/2020) Thailand has reported so far almost 3 thousand cases of coronavirus and 54 deaths.
I would not dare to predict in my wildest dreams about the future or when things will be back to “normal”. The situation is changing here and around the world on a daily bases.
I feel and hope the country will open up more and more during the next months of June-July.
The question will be, when and if international tourism is going to recover. What will be the situation in Europe and elsewhere for the tourists being able to get to Thailand?
How long will it take for international travel to get back to some sort of normality?
What future holds for Phi Phi and Thailand nobody knows and there is no use in speculating. Even so, it keeps us up all at night, we all have to deal with the situation day by day.
I try to enjoy every moment I get to spend here on this beautiful island, remain positive, and pray for a bright future. You can sense the feeling of a close community in Phi Phi Island and I know for sure we are all here to help each other and to get through this.